Apparently, we're close enough to walk.
Apparently, we're close enough to walk.
That's what Dr. Stone said in July at the Usher Conference in Chicago. Close enough to walk.
To me - that's reassuring because when I was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome just a few years ago, I wasn't given any encouragement or any reason to believe that anything other than the worst case scenario would be my future.
But... now, I have a bit of hope.
Awareness is still crucial though. Help me support the Usher Syndrome Coalition by making a donation through my page. Your donation, in honor of our global Usher Syndrome Awareness Day on Saturday, September 16th, helps us shed light on the most common genetic cause of combined deafness and blindness, while accelerating research to find a cure.
During this campaign, I'll be doing a bit of work on my own - I call it my "Look Left-a-thon." You see, I'm pretty lucky, and I still have a pretty nice field of vision - but where I notice my loss the most is in low lit situations... and to my left. During Own the Equinox, each day I'll find something to take a picture of - I'll focus and capture that view... and then I'll turn to my left and take a picture of what is directly to my left, outside of my field of view. Most folks have 180 degrees of vision, but because of Usher syndrome, I don't... and that field will progressively get smaller. Each day, I'll Look Left, take my picture - and do my part to Crush Ush.
Help me Own the Equinox. Together, we can make Usher syndrome history.
The donation process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!