Welcome to our team page!
Welcome to our team page!
On October 6, 2016, I lost my brother to a years-long battle with depression, anxiety, and addiction. Every year, we all join together to STOP the STIGMA that surrounds mental health and prevents so many from seeking the help that is available.
While heroin might be the cause of death for my brother, the true root of his addiction began when he was self-medicating to numb the pain of his mental illness; Mike was not alone with his mental illness--1 in 5 adults and teens suffer from a mental illness.
Because of this, I am raising money for mental health education for youth through the Warrior Run, a local 5K in Mariemont, Ohio. All money raised supports mental health education programming in LOCAL schools!
Together we can STOP the SILENT SUFFERING. Help me by registering for the IN-PERSON OR VIRTUAL 5K or 1 Mile walk. You can now complete the walk from wherever you are! Join my team, Family Love Michael
If you aren’t able to walk or run, I’d love for you to support this important work through a donation of any kind to my race team.
W Joseph OBrien donated $100.00
$100.00 was donated anonymously
I’m honor of Vanessa Train and Kevin Frisz
$100.00 was donated anonymously
In honor of Vanessa Trail and Kevin Frisz’s glorious matrimony
Marcus Gearhard donated $78.75
Steven Koproski donated $100.00
Thank you for your work for a great and desperately needed cause.