Welcome Maniacs!
Welcome Maniacs!
Since 2015 The Lymphomaniacs have been walking and supporting LE&RN. And lots has come from it. We have made strides in the right direction. We're proud of the work LEARN has done and only hope we can do more. At a time when public funding for science and research is in danger of being reduced or erased, we need to keep the pressure on. We need a voice in the halls of congress and we need a place for people with LE to go and get real answers. Answers based in fact and verified by other people. with LE. That is LE&RN. That's why we walk and why we hope you'll donate.
Come on! Go crazy with us! Don't be afraid to hope for the best and be part of the movement! Donate what you can.
Lenny Grossman donated $60.00 and generously covered the transaction fee
KATIE MULLIGAN created a fundraising page
A $40.00 registration was credited to Katie Mulligan's page
KATIE MULLIGAN created a fundraising team