Uniti Fiber BIGs has raised $13,072 out of their goal of $8,000
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Uniti Fiber BIGs has raised $13,072 out of their goal of $8,000
Walk The Walk has raised $11,627 out of their goal of $12,500
WTW - Walk This Way for Littles has raised $5,768 out of their goal of $10,000
Hand Arendall Harrison Sale LLC has raised $5,229 out of their goal of $5,000
BigsWalkingBig has raised $4,464 out of their goal of $10,000
Wilkins Miller has raised $3,207 out of their goal of $3,500
Standard Heartthrob's has raised $2,960 out of their goal of $2,000
AEU Accounting has raised $2,357 out of their goal of $1,500
Warriors for Littles has raised $1,792 out of their goal of $1,500
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